Upgrading / Migrating Koha from Koha 20+ to Koha 24.+

We have already seen Koha LIS Installation in our last Post which is available @ https://abhishek.nagar.me/koha/install the same steps can be used to install the Latest Version of Koha i.e 24.11 which was released in November 2024
I am very well sure that you might be also a lazy chap like me and would be not upgraded your Koha Installation at a regular basis still i presume that you must be using at least Koha 20.05 if yes use the following procedure to upgrade/migrate your current Koha Instance to Koha 24.11
Assumption : Koha Instance Name is library, Database Name is koha_library
Step 1 ) Install Koha 24.11 using the Procedure mentioned in our earlier blog post. and yes i recommend new Installation over Upgrade as by new installation you get a easy and safe opportunity to upgrade your Base OS to Debian 12
Step 2) Take Backup of Database from Old System
- Open Terminal on the Old System and execute the following to take backup
- sudo mysqldump --single-transaction -u root -p koha_library > koha.sql
Step 3 ) Move the Backup file koha.sql generated in Step 2 to new/upgraded system using scp or any backup device whatever you are comfertable with.
Step 4 ) Restore mysql Backup to the New System
- Open Terminal on the New System and remove the Existing Database which is currently already empty
- sudo mysql -uroot -p
- drop database koha_library;
- create database koha_library;
- exit;
- On Terminal execute the following to restore backup (this will take time depending on the backup size)
- mysql -uroot -p koha_library < koha.sql
- exit
- On Terminal Upgrade Database Schema
- sudo koha-upgrade-schema library
- On Terminal rebuild the Zebra Index
- sudo koha-rebuild-zebra -v -f library
Wohla !!! you have upgraded Koha to 24.11 :) Enjoy Open the Staff Interface with your Old Credentials as they are now migrated :)
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