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I have always asked this question to my colleagues as to "How do i restrict Multiple Logins in an Active Directory Setup"
So here is the answer
Create a file when a user login and check for such file each time the login request is received if file exists logoff, if file is not present Login and create the file. Its that simple
Below is the step by step process to achieve this using Group Policy
- Windows 2003 AD is being used
- //<server>/logon is shared and write access is given to everyone
The Steps
Step 1) Create 2 batch files in C:\WINDOWS\SYSVOL\sysvol\domain.name\scripts\logon
File 1: login.bat
If Exist \\server\logons\%username%.txt Goto notlogon
Echo %username% logged in from %computername% > \\server\logons\%username%.txt
Echo %username% logged in from %computername% > \\server\logons\%computername%.txt
Goto end
File 2: logout.bat
If Not Exist \\server\logons\%computername%.txt goto notlogon
Del \\server\logons\%username%.txt
Del \\server\logons\%computername%.txt
Goto end
Step 2) Modify Group Policy
Edit the Group Policy related to the OU where you want to disable multiple logins, In Group Policy Object Editor locate to
User Configuration > Windows Settings > Scripts (Logon/Logoff)
Add the login.bat created earlier in Logon and logout.bat in Logoff
Adding Login Script on Group Policy
thats it now when you login a file would be created in //<server>/logon with the username and computername of the loggedin user and he/she will not be able to login to other computer and once he logoff these would be automatically deleted and the user will be allowed to login on any Client.
This was simple
Restrict Multiple Logins in Domain (AD)
Dear Abhishek
I have tried this in my Active directory its working fine and feel simple.
while applying this script if userA is logged in his system and userB cont login with userA ID in another system,
but if userA locked his system means userB can able to login with same userA's id in other systems...
How can i slove this !
kindly suggest me some ideas...