By abhishek |

I am sure you would have come to a situation when you would have to resize multiple images say you copied 200 images from your Digital Camera and now need to upload them and need to resize them all, now doing this using GIMP would take ages here is a easy way.

Step 1) Install ImageMagick

sudo apt-get install imagemagick

Step 2) Change to the Directory where all Images are Present

Step 3)

a) If you need to reduce images to a specific Percentage

mogrify -resize 20% -format jpg *

b) If you need to reduce to Specific Width & Height

mogrify -resize 800x600 -format jpg *

c) If you need to reduce to Specific Width

mogrify -resize 1024x -format jpg *

Further Reading Click Here !!!

kailash Jakhar (not verified)

9 years 7 months ago

Dear sir that's is good application. I have already read your all block and improve my knowledge